Saturday, June 27, 2009

Princess Protection Program Review!!!! later~ Ha Ha Happy Saturdays!!

Hey Guys!!!

Okay, so who watched P.P.P.???? Well,, I thought it was good. It was super super clean. ( Well. What would we expect from Disney Channel?) I really liked it. It was entertaining. I thought you know, all the hype about it since February, would make the movie not meet it's expectations. But it did. Yay!! Later.. I post a Ha Ha Happy Saturdays!!

Peace to all!!!

~Emily Grace **Proverbs 31:30**


Anna Gray said...

Awesome! I can't wait to see it. It looks pretty interesting. :)

Anonymous said...

I watched it today, and liked it alot! milkyway

Madeleine said...

Cool! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

AprilGarden said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I heard that it was aWeSoMe!!! Disney has really good movies, but they should bring out some new actors/actresses and writers. Then the movies would be not just good, but gReAt!! And aWeSoMe!!