Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yay for Kris!!!!

Hey Guys!!

I AM SOOOOOOO HAPPY THAT KRIS WON LAST NIGHT!!!! I love Kris!!!! He is such a great singer and DESERVED to win!! I'm mean Adam's great and all, but he belongs on Broadway and I don't really like his lifestyle. ( Sorry Adam-Lovers!) Yay!! He won!!! Woohoo!!! Yay!!!
He is awesome!!!
Emily Grace! **Proverbs 31:30**


Anna Gray said...

im kind of dissapointed that he won, but you're right, adam's lifestyle is not too good....he also curls his eye lashes. i know that's gross, i wish that adam won because of his voice, but kris is the better role model.

Our Journey to Rwanda said...

I am so glad that he won! I did NOT want adam to win. Milkyway

Anna Gray said...

r u serious? i did!!!!!

Madeleine said...

Ugh, no thanks to Adam, LOL. ;)

I'm glad Kris won. You have a good point about Adam belonging on broadway!! xD

Anna Gray said...

i have to ok first i am NOT trying to argue, but adam isn't very broadyway, he is a true singer, a proffesional singer, and the BEST singer. Kris has a better lifestyle though.

Emily Grace!!:D ^-^ said...


Anna Gray said...

and this is a reply to your comment: what did u enter in the art fair? i entered my 'irish' bunny. oh and it's ok if u dont like adam lambert, my bff hates him! but hey, everyone has different opinions, and i am just fine with yours about him. :)

Anna Gray said...

This is a reply to your comment (how this will keep going on :): Umm, I think the deadline is next art class, so I think you're safe. i am like 99% positive that it's next art class. :D :O :)