Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fred Zipit Commercial

Hey Guys!
Here is the link this really funny Fred commercial for the Zipit! Fred Fans: Enjoy!! Fred Haters: Don't watch and don't enjoy. How could you hate Fred?
Emily Grace **Proverbs 31:30**

P.S. It is the link 'cause the code wouldn't work so I couldn't put the video on the post. :( Stinkin' embed code!


Anna Gray said...

LOL! Fred ROCKS! I love it when he screams or cries because it's so hight pitched. Happy Blogging!!!

~A.G.~ :D :O :)

Madeleine said...

LOL, I saw this on TV once.

Emily Grace!!:D ^-^ said...

You saw it on tv? That is so cool!! Did you see Fred on iCarly?

Madeleine said...

Of course!! I would never miss a Fred thing in my life. Have you seen Fred on Tyra Banks and Fred on CNN?

Emily Grace!!:D ^-^ said...

No. :( I haven't seen Fred on Trya Banks! I wanna see it!! But, I did see Fred on CNN! Could I see Fred on Tyra Banks on youtube?