Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Lindsay!!

Today is my sister Lindsay's 17th birthday!! She is so amazing and super sweet and loving. She is a great friend and sister. She will always stay by your side in times of trouble. In honor of her birthday here is a list of 5 things she likes:

  1. Coldplay

Coldplay is her favorite music group.She sings their songs all the time!

2. Friends
Lindsay has a bazillion friends.She is super loyal and everyone loves her. (She also like cherries!)

3.Nachos!! Lindsay LOVES nachos!She could eat nachos all day if she had to ! (if she didn't have to!)

4. Acting
Lindsay likes.She is apart of a theater company called LYT and she loves it to pieces!

    Lindsay is crazy about dinosaurs! She loves cartoon dinosaurs. She says, "Nom Nom Nom" all the time! (That's what dinosaurs say when they eat!)

    There you have it!!!



    Anna Gray said...

    Awwww! Happy Birthday Lindsey (or shall I say 'tramp', haha!). =)

    Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

    Hey! I love your blog! I'm following!
    With Love and Blessings,
    Bleah Briann @