Saturday, January 16, 2010

All Of My Desires in 2 Words.....

Yep, you read right, bacon cupcakes! I am going to make bacon cupcakes today and post pics later! If you are thinking that this is going to be totally gross, then I'm sorry to tell you, YOU ARE WRONG! I am basiclly in love with bacon,and cupcakes. They are my two favorite things to eat! Get the recipe here: I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Save one for me!!

Love you,

Anna Gray said...

I think they sound good! Seriously, I LOVE bacon and cupcakes!!! I can tell you that pretty much ANYTHING your fam makes is gonna be good!!! Post the pics ASAP!!! :0)

P.S. Be sure to enter my giveaway!

Madeleine said...

OMG!! Wow!! I have to try those!! Yes, post pics!! :D

Madeleine said...

Did you make 'em yet? :)